
I have the problem with mapping dictionary of key to simple data-holding object (two integers) work. Glorp DictionaryMapping dicriminates between mapping a simple value (#dictionaryFrom: String to: Integer), where things work as assumed (having two fields in a table, one for key, one for value; and of course one for FK to owner) and mapping an object (#dictionaryFrom: String to: MyClass), where it fails miserably if the object does not contain the key itself as the FK as well (which is dumb; I want it unidirectional). In case I do not include the key-as-FK, it fails to grasp update and/or deletes, and fails during commit with either UNIQUE failure (when update is interpreted as insert) or with NULL failure (where delete is interpreted as insert with nil in place of dict key field).

Maybe it is a missing feature in DictionaryMapping; maybe I am doing something wrong. I would like to ask if there isn't someone currently on ESUG who would want a bit of more sightseeing and would be willing to get a detour via Bratislava (I have a place for stayover) and look at the issue face to face (or I can use ScreenHero, but as I understood it does not have Linux client, maybe that's why Esteban did not accept my invitation yet).

Thanks, Herby

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