It isn't only #changeDirectory: method that is missing. Method
#workingDirectoryPath: and instance variable workingDirectory are also

FileSystem >> changeDirectory: aPath
  self workingDirectoryPath: (self resolve: aPath)

FileSystem >> workingDirectoryPath: aPath
  aPath isAbsolute
    ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot set the working directory to a relative
path' ].
  workingDirectory := aPath

To solve my problem, I implemented those and also fixed
#initializeWithStore: and changed #workingDirectoryPath

FileSystem >> initializeWithStore: aStore
  store := aStore.
  workingDirectory := store defaultWorkingDirectory

FileSystem >> workingDirectoryPath
  ^ workingDirectory

Those are from Pharo 5. However, this breaks Monticello (when opening
Monticello Browser). A FileSystem instance has instance variable
workingDirectory set to nil. This should be impossible. I set 'self halt'
in #initializeWithStore:. It doesn't get triggered, which tells me the
instance isn't created by normal way. I don't know what's going on there.

To fix it, I changed #workingDirectoryPath to

FileSystem >> workingDirectoryPath
  workingDirectory ifNil: [
    workingDirectory := store defaultWorkingDirectory ].
  ^ workingDirectory

That solves my problem, but this is a specific tool. I don't know what
other problems those changes will cause. This #ifNil: guard is not in Pharo
5, so that makes me worry. In general, the change in FileSystem gives
impression that the it is intentional. But I haven't found the new Pharo
6.1 way to change working directory, if there's any.


On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 12:46 AM, Stephane Ducasse <>

> Thanks for reporting.
> I do not remember an action around me for this change.
> Do you have the definition in Pharo 50 at hand?
> Stef
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 11:09 PM, Andreas Sunardi <>
> wrote:
> > I found FileSystem class has changed from Pharo 5 to Pharo 6. I've been
> > using FileSystem>>changeDirectory to make my program (Pharo 5) runs in
> the
> > current working directory (thus able to find local files).
> >
> > This is now broken because #changeDirectory doesn't exist anymore. The
> > change seems intentional.
> >
> > Question: Is there a different way in Pharo 6 do set working directory
> or is
> > this a bug?
> >
> > --
> > Andreas

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