Esteban, I'm happy to report this package works for me, in my RH/CentOS 6
environment. I have to do a bit more since I have to install it in a
network path (can't install in each server).

If there's a download option instead of an rpm, such as that in Pharo 5
download website, that would be great. But I don't want to complain about
it. The response and support from this community has been very impressive
and I'm very grateful for it. Thank you very much!


On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 2:02 AM, Esteban Lorenzano <>

> you can try the new (still experimental) packaging for Pharo:
> CentOS 6.8:
> # Add the repo
> $ yum-config-manager --add-repo
> repositories/devel:/languages:/pharo:/latest/CentOS_6/devel:
> languages:pharo:latest.repo
> # Install 32bit packages (with X11 dependency for *-ui or not)
> $ yum install pharo6-32-ui.i686 or pharo6-32.i386
> # Install 64bit packages
> $ yum install pharo6-64-ui.x86_64 pharo6-64.x86_64
> that will install correct vm for your distribution.
> cheers,
> Esteban
> On 29 Aug 2017, at 18:58, Andreas Sunardi <> wrote:
> Point well taken. Unfortunately, I'm not in charge of the infrastructure.
> I don't know if my experience is typical or not, but it's difficult for IT
> to find a period to disrupt engineering projects, potentially breaking
> tools, without drawing fire from engineering :)
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 8:45 AM, Richard Sargent <richard.sargent@
>> wrote:
>> my work environment is using RedHat6/CentOS6 with glibc 2.12
>> That's seven years of unpatched security vulnerabilities! Are you sure
>> you really want to stay at such great risk?
>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 8:30 AM, Andreas Sunardi <>
>> wrote:
>>> That sounds good. Unfortunately for me, my work environment is using
>>> RedHat6/CentOS6 with glibc 2.12. Is there Pharo6 with glibc < 2.15 support.
>>> Or is there a way for me to build that myself?
>>> It's quite a departure to change my DSL into defining multiple methods.
>>> But that's my own problem.
>>> I'm happy to hear Pharo 6 can support a lot more literals. I tested my
>>> code on Pharo 6 (on my Windows box) and it works. I see SistaV1 compiler in
>>> Pharo 5 setting, but that causes Pharo to crash.
>>> Thank you guys for your answers. I think I have the information I need
>>> to make decision. But if there is a way to get Pharo 6 that works with
>>> glibc < 2.15, please let me know.
>>> Thank you
>>> --
>>> Andreas
>>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 12:34 AM, Clément Bera <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> If your tool works in Pharo 6, you can use the other bytecode set which
>>>> supports up to 32k literals. To do so, go to:
>>>> World Menu > Settings > Compiler > Encoder
>>>> and pick SistaV1 instead of V3PlusClosures
>>>> Try to load your code. The default Pharo 6 VM supports both bytecode
>>>> sets.
>>>> Alternatively you need to split your methods with many literals in
>>>> multiple methods with less literals, which is usually quite tricky to do
>>>> right.
>>>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 4:52 AM, Andreas Sunardi <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I have written a tool (Pharo5) where user gives an input file to it,
>>>>> where the content is a smalltalk code, a DSL. I used a subclass of
>>>>> CodeImporter class to evaluate this input file.
>>>>> Recently my user used an input file where it hit the 256 literal limit
>>>>> (total of unique string, number, method name, etc), down in
>>>>> OpalEncoderForV3PlusClosures >> genPushLiteral:. The number seems to be
>>>>> hard coded and related to byte code generator, not something I can simply
>>>>> increase. I wasn't aware of this limitation.
>>>>> Before I overhaul my tool, I thought I should ask. Is there another
>>>>> alternative to evaluate a smalltalk file/script? The file is small, 27k,
>>>>> but the number of unique literals in it is > 256. Is it possible at all,
>>>>> seeing that the limit is related to byte code generator.
>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>> --
>>>>> Andreas Sunardi

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