
Thank you for the info that the version of Fuel is important, not
image version nor VM.

This looks promising:

my Pharo 5 image has

    FLMaterializer new version   194

and the Pharo 6.0/6.1 image has

    FLMaterializer new version   194

I'll to some tests.


On 8/30/17, Norbert Hartl <> wrote:
> Hannes,
> fuel should not be depend on image or vm version just on its own version.
> The rule is that if you have the same version of fuel in two images you
> should be able to use it on both images regardless of image or vm version.
> The current issue is probably vm dependent. I can also read fuel files that
> are produce by my service back into my image. But I cannot read the fuel
> files produced by my jenkins server. Image is the same everywhere but the vm
> is different.
> Norbert
>> Am 30.08.2017 um 12:58 schrieb H. Hirzel <>:
>> Hello
>> I think the question is good for a new thread:
>> Tim M. reported that a fuel file from a 6.1 image could be read in a 7.0
>> image.
>> I wonder what the conditions are for this type of compatibility
>> - type of objects written?
>> - no class definition changes?
>> - ...
>> Regards
>> Hannes

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