On 8/28/17, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
>> Am 26.08.2017 um 12:56 schrieb Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:
>> In an image having Pillar, inspect a Pillar file. Something like this:
>> ‘path/to/file.pillar' asFileReference
> I downloaded a 6.1 image, loaded pillar from catalog and inspected
> 'foo.pillar' asFileReference
> and I get

The same result here.

> Looks like there are additional steps needed.
> Norbert

If I do

    PRPillarParser parse:
    'myExample.pillar' asFileReference contents

I get a nice display of the Pillar Document Object Model and the
results after using different exporter objects (HTML, DeckJS,
Markdown, AsciiDoc, Beamer, LaTeX)

But no Pillar editor.


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