I'd forgotten about the newspeak browser - it was ages ago that I had a look, 
will try it again.

My hunch is you want both - inline and new window sometimes. 

But as we're firing on all cylinders lately - revising old ideas is no bad 
thing and maybe we can do them better as things are starting to come together.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 26 Aug 2017, at 14:59, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-08-26 14:46 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:
>> 2017-08-26 14:31 GMT+02:00 Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works>:
>>> Denis - that's a very cool idea if I've understood you - expand in the 
>>> source code of the current method, literally inline? So you could scroll up 
>>> and down to view the context as you expand it out?
>> Yes, exactly.
> Then that would look a bit like the NewSpeak code browser, if you would like 
> to try the concept.
> There are disadvantages to that paradigm. One of those is that the system 
> browser in Pharo is ill-suited to long methods.
> Thierry
>>> One of the complaints around refactoring is that you lose context of 
>>> surrounding code - intelligent in place expansion would be the best of both 
>>> worlds...
>>> Tim
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 26 Aug 2017, at 11:40, Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> This is really cool. It opens so many possibilities.
>>>> I imaging method editor where message sends can be expanded to 
>>>> implementors just in place.
>>>> 2017-08-26 1:03 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We are really pleased to announce another major advancement in the 
>>>>> development of the moldable editor, and most of it was enabled because of 
>>>>> one new feature: expandable elements. We think this will impact 
>>>>> significantly our day to day interactions.
>>>>> To exemplify what we mean, we will make use of two more alpha projects 
>>>>> that we did not announce yet: GT Documenter (a set of documentation tools 
>>>>> based on Pillar and GT Examples) and GT Mondrian (the graph visualization 
>>>>> engine), both of which are being implemented in Bloc.
>>>>> Please take a look at the following pictures showing the documentation 
>>>>> Pillar file that ships together with GT Mondrian. What stands out are the 
>>>>> two embedded pictures. These are actually not pictures, but 
>>>>> visualizations rendered live during the viewing of the document out of a 
>>>>> referenced GT Example.
>>>>> Now, GT Examples are likely also new for most people. We introduced them 
>>>>> a couple of years ago based on the original idea of Markus Gaelli. These 
>>>>> are a kind of tests that return an object and that can be built out of 
>>>>> other examples. The nice thing is that they are always executable and 
>>>>> testable. So, of course, if you see the resulting object,  you can also 
>>>>> see the code that created it, and if you see the code, you can even 
>>>>> execute it live, right in place (notice the preview of the second 
>>>>> snippet).
>>>>> <pillar-mondrian-expanded-preview.png>
>>>>> Perhaps the most controversial part of GT Examples is that they offer a 
>>>>> mechanism to define static dependencies via pragmas. Please, let’s leave 
>>>>> this debate to another occasion, but please also notice that tools can 
>>>>> use that static information to unfold the code of the referenced method 
>>>>> (notice the nested code editors).
>>>>> A side note: if you look closer at the list with three items at the top 
>>>>> of the Tutorial section, you will notice numbering next to #. That is 
>>>>> actually syntax highlighting and so is the mechanism that embeds the 
>>>>> expandable elements. It’s really cool.
>>>>> Taking step back, when we introduced the editor a few weeks ago, we 
>>>>> called it moldable because we said we can make it take different shapes 
>>>>> easily. GT Documenter with everything you see in the above screenshots 
>>>>> has currently ~500 lines of code, and all this while still having an 
>>>>> editor that is highly scalable.
>>>>> We think that Bloc and Brick will change dramatically face of Pharo and 
>>>>> now we can start to get a glimpse of what is possible. For example, the 
>>>>> use case presented above is more than a technical tool, and we think this 
>>>>> will change both the way we write documentation and the way we consume it.
>>>>> All these will be presented at ESUG both during presentations and at the 
>>>>> Innovation Awards competition. In the meantime, those that want to play 
>>>>> with it can execute the following in both Pharo 6.1 and Pharo 7.0:
>>>>> Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: true.
>>>>> Metacello new
>>>>>    baseline: 'GToolkit';
>>>>>    repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit/src';
>>>>>    load.
>>>>> And then inspect:
>>>>> './pharo-local/iceberg/feenkcom/gtoolkit/doc/mondrian/index.pillar' 
>>>>> asFileReference
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> The feenk team
>>>>> --
>>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>>> www.feenk.com
>>>>> "Innovation comes in the least expected form. 
>>>>> That is, if it is expected, it already happened."

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