OK, so #name should not be used at all [1]

The error message I get is

PPCommonMarkSpecTest class>>DoIt (blockVisitor is Undeclared)
The method Object>>#name called from PPCMNode>>#gtTreeViewIn: has been
Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use
#asString or #printString instead.

I wonder how I can fix this without going to much into details.


[1] Pharo 6.1 source code:

        "Answer a name for the receiver.  This is used generically in the
title of certain inspectors, such as the referred-to inspector, and
specificially by various subsystems.  By default, we let the object
just print itself out..  "

                deprecated: 'Implement your own domain representation of an 
or use #asString or #printString instead.'
                on: '27 May 2016'
                in: #Pharo6.
        ^ self printString

On 8/25/17, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> I don't have an Image to check, but I believe Object>>name
> just does "^self printString",
> so by default, in your application send #printString instead of #name.
> cheers -ben
> P.S. Perhaps this would be a good candidate for automated rewrite?
> On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 8:49 PM, H. Hirzel <hannes.hir...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello
>> In the last days there was a discussion that
>>      Object>>#name
>> should no longer be used. I did not follow the discussion in detail.
>> What was decided how #name should be replaced?
>> What do I need to do if I get a deprecation warning [1]?
>> Thanks for the answer in advance
>> Hannes
>> [1]
>> The method Object>>#name called from PPCMNode>>#gtTreeViewIn: has been
>> deprecated.
>> Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use
>> #asString or #printString instead.
>> Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation.

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