
I have loaded your DesktopManager package into Pharo 6/6.1. It is
useful as always!

A remark:

If I open a new desktop the desktop is white and not black (New Pharo
'dark' theme). I have to choose the theme manually through the
'Settings' dialog, searching for 'theme' and then reconfirming that I
want the 'dark' theme.

A question:

I Squeak I can jump to a particular 'desktop' (actually 'Project'
there ) with some code [1] in a workspace (playground) like

      (Project named: 'Pillar') enter

Is there a similar construction with the DesktopManager?

To jump to another desktop with a code snipped is useful as the number
of Desktops increases. Currently I have 14 and it may increase up to

This also helps to create buttons to jump to a particular desktop.

Thank you for the answer in advance

Hannes Hirzel

[1] http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1013

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