Meanwhile, you can check at [1], a Grafoscopio notebook where I documented Brea 
and the problem is trying to solve.




El 23 de agosto de 2017 20:15:38 GMT-05:00, Offray <> 
>Hi Hannes,
>I will improve docs and test, but for the moment I'll be away of my
>computer at least until Friday. Image persistance is not implemented.
>El 23 de agosto de 2017 13:44:46 GMT-05:00, "H. Hirzel"
><> escribió:
>>On 8/23/17, Offray <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On the Teapot + Mustache integration, Hannes, you may want to see my
>>> prototype:
>>> At some point, it will contain distributed  wiki, backed by Fossil,
>>now that
>>> we're thinking in empower community driven wiki like documentation.
>>> Offray
>>Hi Offray
>>I found Name: Brea-OffrayLuna.8
>>Author: OffrayLuna
>>Time: 1 June 2017, 4:18:20.860411 pm
>>There is no test to show me how to use it and I none of the class
>>comments of the 4 classes gives enough clues.
>>Interesting method so far
>>      "I define how the website behaves accordingly to particular routes."
>>      self server
>>              serveStatic: 'demo' from: '/opt/gig/';
>>              GET: 'members/test' -> [ :req | BreaMember new 
>> renderTestUserAsHtml
>>              GET: 'members/add' -> [ :req | BreaMember new htmlInput ];
>>              POST: 'members/summit' -> [ :req |  self processNewMember: req ]
>>May I ask you to give a few hints how to start it?
>>Is it possible to use it without Fossil, just with image persistence?
>Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor, disculpa
>mi brevedad.

Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor, disculpa mi 

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