Thank you Cyril for the link to the tutorial.

I see that Pillar is a command line tool. The welcome example taken
from this tutorial is:

    Pharo.exe Pillar.image pillar export --to=html
--outputFile=welcome welcome.pillar

How can I run a command like this from within Pharo in a "playground"
(former workspace)?

Later on I plan to construct a simple GUI with text boxes for Pillar
sources and have some buttons executing these commands.


On 8/18/17, Cyril Ferlicot <> wrote:
> On ven. 18 août 2017 at 19:44, H. Hirzel <> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I installed Pillar through the catalog into Pharo 6.1, I assume.
>> I had a look into the Help browser to find some documentation or a
>> link to the documentation.
>> I did not find a menu entry in the world menu to open the tool.
>> How do I start using the tool?
>> --Hannes
>> Hi,
> I did not check if it is up to date but there is a tutorial here:
> I hope this can help you to begin.
> There is no tool actually to use Pillar, you write your files and then
> there is command lines to generate the output wanted.
> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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