Hello, I have a gtInspector extension a tree-structured object. By default, when I click on one of the objects in the gtInspector, the inspector opens up another inspector on that node (using the finder-style display).
What I would like to know is, is it possible to override the default click behavior so that, instead of opening the next inspector on that node of the tree, it opens on the result of a block run on that tree. Specifically, I have this: gtInspectorSource: composite <ignoreForCoverage> <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 10> composite tree title: 'Source'; children: [ :r | r sourceChildren ]; format: [ :r | r sourceName ]; display: self and I was hoping there was some way I could do something like this: ... display: self; onSelectAction: [ :r | r next ] so when I click, I get an inspector not on the node of the tree r, but on r next. Thanks, Evan