Hi sven I'm coding with my son a game collector application :) We want to save our collection with STON
So far we have GameCollector asSTON >> String streamContents: [ :s | STON put: self onStreamPretty: s ] and we get GameCollector { #items : OrderedCollection [ GameItem { #name : 'Final Fantasy X', #console : #PS2, #hasDocumentation : false, #hasBox : true, #finished : true, #condition : 'Good', #quotation : 10, #critics : 18, #comments : 'quite cool in fact' }, GameItem { #name : 'Final Fantasy XII', #console : '', #hasDocumentation : true, #hasBox : false, #finished : false, #condition : 'Good', #quotation : 10, #critics : 15, #comments : '' } ] } And this is good. Now I wanted to use STON to save the items without the class structure to get something like OrderedCollection [ GameItem { #name : 'Final Fantasy X', #console : #PS2, #hasDocumentation : false, #hasBox : true, #finished : true, #condition : 'Good', #quotation : 10, #critics : 18, #comments : 'quite cool in fact' }, GameItem { #name : 'Final Fantasy XII', #console : '', #hasDocumentation : true, #hasBox : false, #finished : false, #condition : 'Good', #quotation : 10, #critics : 15, #comments : '' } ] I coded as GameCollector >> asSTON ^ String streamContents: [ :s | STON put: items onStreamPretty: s ] and STON is not happy on reload. I know that we are bending the rules. Is there a way to do simply what I want? I could leave also with GameItem { #name : 'Final Fantasy X', #console : #PS2, #hasDocumentation : false, #hasBox : true, #finished : true, #condition : 'Good', #quotation : 10, #critics : 18, #comments : 'quite cool in fact' }, GameItem { #name : 'Final Fantasy XII', #console : '', #hasDocumentation : true, #hasBox : false, #finished : false, #condition : 'Good', #quotation : 10, #critics : 15, #comments : '' } Stef