Did you try setting the pragma <path: '/'> in the list method?
Esteban A. Maringolo

2017-07-28 18:40 GMT-03:00 Greg Hutchinson <the.greg.hutchin...@gmail.com>:
> I am new to Pharo/Seaside and it has been a long time since I have used
> Smalltalk. I am trying to make a RESTful service and can’t get the pragmas
> to work the way I think it should. (This might be the problem already).
>  Ie Here is my list method within class TeamMembers which is a direct
> subclass of WARestfulHandler.
>     list
>        <get>
>       ^ String streamContents: [ :stream |
>        self teamMembers do: [ :each |
>            stream nextPutAll: each ; crlf ]
>        ]
> and
> listJson
>                 <get>
>                 <produces: 'text/json'>
>    ^ (Array streamContents: [ :stream |
>       self teamMembers do: [ :each |
>          stream nextPut: (Dictionary new
>             at: 'name' put: each ;
>             yourself) ] ])
>       asJavascript
> After doing all the proper registration WAAdmin register: TeamMembers at:
> 'team-members' when I execute in the browser
> (http://localhost:8080/team-members) I received the message
> /team-members not found
> but if I execute (http://localhost:8080/team-members/list), it brings back
> the team member list. (However, I didn’t think I would have to add /list to
> the URL).
> This seems to contradict the documentation in
> http://book.seaside.st/book/advanced/restful/getting-started/define-handler.
> However, If I override the TeamMembers>>
> createRoutes
>                 | route pType|
>                 pType := WAFullMimeTypeMatch main:'text' sub: 'json' .
>                 route := WASimpleRoute method: 'GET' selector: #listJson
> produces: pType consumes: WAWildcardMimeTypeMatch new.
>                 ^ OrderedCollection new
>                                 "GET"
>                                 add: route;
>                                 add: (WARoute get: #list);
>                                 yourself.
> Then I get the expected behaviour when I browse to
> (http://localhost:8080/team-members) and using curl. (ie.
> curl -H "Accept: text/json" http://localhost:8080/team-members
> to get the Json response.
> When I debug the difference in the routes, it looks like using the pragmas,
> I get WAComplexRoute(s) but of course in the overridden method createRoutes,
> I get WASimpleRoutes.
> Is this the way it is supposed to work?
> Thanks in advance for any hints.

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