I want to reset all the class variables in an application to nil. I've got as far as finding them, for example...
packages := RPackageOrganizer default packages select:[:p| (p name includesSubstring: 'PharoLauncher') ]. stateToReset := packages flatCollect: [:p| p definedClasses select:[:c | (c classVarNames size > 0) and: [(c name includesSubstring: 'Configuration') not]] thenCollect:[:c| c-> c classVarNames] ]. stateToReset asDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:class :variables| variables do: [:v| Transcript crShow: 'Clear ', class printString, ' -> ' , v printString]. ]. What could go in place of the Transcript line to set them to nil? cheers -ben