> On 22. Jul 2017, at 14:00, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> With Pharo3 I was proceeding like this, by uninstallation of packages. 
> However there is the promise of building from a minimal image, but it is not 
> documented AFAIK.
> By curiosity, what is the size of your resulting image.

I see 31mb image size for Pharo3 and 49mb for Pharo6. The changes file is about 
the same. From the top command on a test system. "pharo" is a Pharo6 VM and 
image and pharo-vm is the pharo3 system.

 4206 root      20   0 1056684  74036   1600 S   5.7  1.2   1582:15 pharo-vm    
10459 root      20   0  104040  90348   2124 S   5.0  1.5 369:00.29 pharo

I looked a bit at memory usage and see if some random changes make a difference

* Shrink ZnMimeType ExtensionMaps to a minimum when not handling extensions?

* ASTCache reset to get rid of the spotter cache. Not sure if the 
SessionManager runs ASTCache>>#shutDown properly. It looks like it should but 
it doesn't?

* ByteString compaction? I did strs := ByteString allInstances. str -> strs 
asSet. The numbers on a not fully clean image are  99874 vs. 42139. I wonder in 
which hell I end if I use >>#becomeForward: to compact it (I tried this once 
for GNU Smalltalk and I am sure others tried it before). I think anyone using 
== on String is using the wrong class? Any good arguments against doing it?

I am moving my Pharo6 image into production right now and then will look into 
setting up CI for Pharo7 with a minimal image.


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