
I had a quick look at the spec you mentioned.

I am a bit puzzled though. Result can be anything, so how are you going to map 
that to specific classes (and why) ? That would require serious prior knowledge 
and even then, not every situation can be mapped easily to a class.

You speak about subclassing NeoJSONObject, which is cool, because it is so 
flexible, but then why type it further ?

If I were you, I would at least start the easy/lazy way. For example you could 

  NeoJSONObject fromString: '...'

And see how far you get. If things get slow, I would look for alternatives.


> On 26 Jul 2017, at 02:38, Esteban A. Maringolo <> wrote:
> Hi Sven, all,
> I'm working on a JSON-RPC client, I started using LtJsonRpcClient, but
> since it's based on the "legacy" JSON package I decided to try to
> adapt it to use NeoJSON. So I created a NeoJSONRPCClient based on
> LtJson... because... why not.
> At its core JSON-RPC is a pretty simple protocol, every response is a
> JSON object with a 'result' attribute holding the returned object from
> the RPC call, an 'error' one (nil if no error happened), and a few
> other ones [1].
> If I convert the response using the traditional `NeoJSONReader
> fromString: responseObject` all the object three is converted to a
> Dictionary, and what I want is to be able to:
> 1. Determine whether there was an error in the response
> 2. If there was no error, convert the 'result' field to my preferred
> class of object instead of a Dictionary. I plan to make my classes
> inherit from NeoJSONObject though.
> All the above to avoid the use of an intermediate set of nested
> dictionaries (which could be in the thousands).
> I understand I could subclass NeoJSONReader to perform that at the
> character stream level, but I wanted to ask first whether there is a
> pattern/configuration of dealing with something like this.
> Best regards!
> [1]
> Esteban A. Maringolo

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