Le 16/07/2017 à 22:02, Henrik Nergaard a écrit : > > a)Do you wrap the morph inside the morph tab view? , > I don't understand. > b) Do you use the same code for rendering as in Morph>> > #gtInspectorMorphIn: . > No, as I want a Morph view and not a From: gtInspectorCanvasIn: composite <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 90> | morphPresentation | morphPresentation := composite morph. morphPresentation title: 'Morph'; display: [self view] > > if a) it is most likely caused by the morph being wrapped within one > or more transform morphs, and the offset of these are not taken into > account when opening the menu. > > > if b) The real morph position is probably not the same as where > clicked causing it to open at another place. > I guess so too. > What method are you using for opening the menu: (#popUpEvent:in: , > #popUpAt:forHand:in: , other)? > The menu are opened with #popUpAdjacentTo:forHand:from: Menu are instantiate as: menuBar := self window newToolDockingBar. menuBar add: 'File' translated font: self theme menuBarFont icon: nil help: 'Load, save or export Dr. Geo figure.' translated subMenu: self fileMenu. > also > see: > https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/15927/Menu-is-broken-when-contained-in-a-scrollable-pane > > Looks to be the same. But issue was closed so it should be ok, may be an unrelated problem. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu