Classic - the moment you write something, it suddenly dawns on you… its the 
other way around.

(ZTimezone id: 'America/Halifax’) gmtToLocal: ZTimestamp now…


> On 15 Jul 2017, at 00:34, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
> Thanks for chipping in - but its the other way around that I’m after.
> I am looking at ZTimestamp now -but again I don’t quite get it?
> ZTimestamp now gives me a timestamp in UTC (great) but how do I format it to 
> show it in say Canadian time?
> I thought it would be something like:
> ZTimestamp now printOn: stream timezone: (ZTimezone id: 'America/Halifax’) 
> but it doesn’t seem to be that?
> I must be missing something.
> Tim
>> On 14 Jul 2017, at 23:28, Norbert Hartl <> wrote:
>> Have a look at #asLocal
>> Norbert
>>> Am 14.07.2017 um 23:04 schrieb Tim Mackinnon <>:
>>> Hi - I’m really confused about DateAndTime support in Pharo?
>>> If I have a server app running in the EU, and a user makes a request from 
>>> Canada, and I want to format the time they see to be in their timezone - 
>>> how do I do that with the classes in Pharo?
>>> I can ask for a DataAndTime nowUTC, and if I know the user is in en-CA, I 
>>> can create a Locale for them - but then how do I get the correct time 
>>> offset, or how to I format that UTC date in their locale?
>>> Tim

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