Thanks Doru, it works as a charm! I don't think I could find it by myself, or I will have to become a Glamour expert.
To make it perfect, there is still a fix needed for the DrGeo script browser: The class method 'scriptName' of each Dr. Geo script class returns a string, it used in the browser (and other place) to list meaningfully the script (and not use the generic class name). Therefore, when the user edit this method, the script name listed in the left panel should be updated accordingly. I edit the code as bellow: scriptsIn: constructor constructor fastList title: 'Scripts' translated; display: [ :organiser | organiser ]; format: #scriptName. * constructor updateOn: MethodModified from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ].* It gives the expected behaviour. Is it the right way to do it? Thanks Hilaire Le 13/07/2017 à 11:50, Tudor Girba a écrit : > > I took a quick look. To get the methods properly update and selected > when modifying code, you should use the reference to the method, and > the not the compiled method. > -- Dr. Geo