Hi Tim,

Le 09/07/2017 à 10:31, Tim Mackinnon a écrit :
Hi - I am trying to specify a simple package dependency(NeoJSON) for a hello world type simple project and I’m hitting problems.

I’ve been reading the DeepIntoPharo chapter and have looked at the blog post by Uko (http://blog.yuriy.tymch.uk/2015/07/pharo-and-github-versioning-revision-2.html)

But I’m hitting some simple issues and I’m hoping someone can put me straight.

My first attempt was the following (my Package is “Lambda” and has been versioned and put into GitHub using iceberg defaults).

baseline: spec

spec for: #common do: [
package: 'Lambda' with: [ spec requires: 'NeoJSON' ].
          project: 'NeoJSON'
          with: [
                className: 'ConfigurationOfNeoJSON';
                version: #stable;
'https://github.com/svenvc/NeoJSON/tree/master/repository' ]

This url won't work: you can access a github repository either with a github: url, or a gitfiletree: url (or an iceberg url?)




(You may want to use a tag instead of master).

My first question is, what should the repository URL be? No-one seems to talk about this in the git world where the gitfile tree info can be in different places per project (some put it in the root of the repo, other src, others repository or packages etc.). Am I right in thinking this url should be where the .package file is located?

Yes. There are repositories where you have a directory with the main packages, and other directories with secondary packages. For example, FileTree has a main repository/ directory with the packages, and many secondary repositories with test packages.

So you need to indicate where the .package are.

When I try the above example by trying:

(BaselineOfLambda project version: 'baseline') load.

I get a talkback - Could not resolve: ConfigurationOfNeoJSON [ConfigurationOfNeoJSON] in /Users/macta/Dev/Smalltalk/Pharo/Pharo-6-60495-c/pharo-local/package-cache https://github.com/svenvc/NeoJSON/tree/master/repository

(Strangely, that file path is wrong as its pointing to some other directory on my filesystem - and I’ve posted a question about this on the thread about the working directory implementation, as it looks like MCCacheRepository uniqueInstance is getting the wrong default directory).

I don't know, but maybe that could be linked. Would you have preferences pointing to the wrong place ?

Anyway - as the above didn’t work, I tried to find an example of someone else using Neo and of course Sven had and example but his looks like this:

baseline: spec

spec for: #common do: [
spec configuration: 'NeoJSON' with: [
versionString: #stable;
repository: 'http://mc.stfx.eu/Neo' ].
package: 'Lambda' with: [ spec requires: 'NeoJSON' ].

I dan’t seen anyone mention spec configuration before (is this a better way?) - although looking at this directory, it seems this is where normal Mcz files are, so is it because of that you use this other method?

Anyway , when I try the above - I get a similar error to the above, but now it fails loading my Lambda package (presumably because if the filesystem error?).

Am I on the right track with the above?

I think you are...




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