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(UUID fromString: '0608b9dc-02e4-4dd0-9f8a-ea45160df641') asByteArray =
(ByteArray fromHexString: '0608B9DC02E44DD09F8AEA45160DF641').
Erik Stel wrote
> Hi Francis,
> You write:
> Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
>> FIY
>> UUID new asByteArray
>> does not give a ByteArray because UUID is a subclass of ByteArray and
>> asByteArray returns self
> (Entering teacher mode)
> This actually means that "UUID new asByteArray" does answer a ByteArray.
> It will answer (as you mentioned correctly) itself. Since a UUID is a
> ByteArray it means it will answer a ByteArray (in contrary to your
> statement).
> To put it differently: The inheritance relation (UUID being a subclass of
> ByteArray) is a "IS-A" relation. So any UUID is a ByteArray.
> This means however the message "asByteArray" did not have to be send of
> course (it is already a ByteArray). I was not sure the class UUID was
> actually a subclass of ByteArray when writing my reply. Turns out it is.
> Cheers,
> Erik
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