This is great work - I think ultimately we can show the strengths of Smalltalk 
on images running in unusual places.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 27 Jun 2017, at 12:05, Pavel Krivanek <> wrote:
> 2017-06-26 18:19 GMT+02:00 Tim Mackinnon <>:
>> This is very interesting… what would you need in that image to use the 
>> remote debugging demo’d at Pharo Days 2017 - as I’m assuming for a server 
>> environment with a web-app, you could have a lean core image and then 
>> remotely attach to it to understand what was going on? With enough 
>> infrastructure to inspect objects etc, but locally you could look up things 
>> with GT tools?
>> Or have I got the wrong end of the stick on this?
> With Denis we are trying to clean all dependencies so the remote IDE will be 
> able to work on a small headless images. 
> Cheers,
> -- Pavel
>> Tim
>>> On 26 Jun 2017, at 15:29, Pavel Krivanek <> wrote:
>>> You need to do it manually. You should probably start with own copy of 
>>> BaselineOfIDE and then try to remove packages you don't need. You should do 
>>> it slowly and check if you are still able to generate a working image.
>>> -- Pavel
>>> 2017-06-26 16:09 GMT+02:00 Hilaire <>:
>>>> So in pratical term, how do you create a baseline?
>>>> Hilaire
>>>> Le 26/06/2017 à 15:43, Pavel Krivanek a écrit :
>>>> > We have the BaselineOfBasicTools that is something in the middle. It
>>>> > already contains Workspace and Nautilus (but not GTPlayground).
>>>> > BaselineOfIDE corresponds to the standard Pharo distribution so you will
>>>> > not save space. You should probalby create own baseline and select what
>>>> > you need.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >     For the later I really want to have an easier browser, something to
>>>> >     build on GLamour, if I understand correctly. But it will be another
>>>> >     topic, later.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Glamour is part of BaselineOfIDE so you will need it or create own 
>>>> > baseline.
>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> Dr. Geo

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