Hi Tim,

> On 27 Jun 2017, at 15:50, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Hi - I have been slowly working my way through some of the pharo components 
> and tutorials and when trying out ZnEasy with a password protected api, I got 
> a talkback  when I mistyped a password. 
> It looks like ZnConstants in a fresh Pharo 6.0 32 image excludes 511 from its 
> constants. The code looks correct (and its defined in the initialize method - 
> ) but when I tried a ZnEasy call which returned 511 I got a walkback showing 
> it as an unrecognized code? (The walkback is looking for 511 in ZnConstants 
> httpStatusCodes).
> Is there some problem in the build process, or is this some type of user 
> error?
> Tim

You should get

  ZnStatusLine code: 511. "a ZnStatusLine(511 Network Authentication Required)"

If that is not the case, do

  ZnConstants initialize.

What does ZnConstants class>>#initialize look like for you ? 

The latest version should read like

        "Forced source code change for automatic initialization: 20170510"
        self initializeHTTPStatusCodes


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