@all,  Is there some way to disable garbage collection during such

cheers -ben

On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 3:51 AM, Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>

> I spent my day testing and comparing execution speed between classes and
> anonymous subclasses when i tried to compare two sets of values between
> pharo classes: they also differ.
> In fact it seems that every instruction has a different execution speed if
> we run it enough times. So it seems impossible to precisely compare
> execution time between anon classes and pharo classes, at least i don't
> know how to do it. I computed confidence intervals of various measures, the
> differences in execution time that exist between classes and anonymous
> classes can be between -2% to + 9%. But comparing sets of speed between
> pharo classes, i also have similar intervals (but smaller, from -2% speed
> to +5% speed).
> So maybe they have similar performances, at least sometimes they do and
> sometimes one is slightly faster than the other, but in the end it is not
> possible to tell. But maybe i'm looking for something which does not even
> exist, maybe anonymous classes are designed to be as fast as regular
> classes ? Or maybe it is common to have such variability when benchmarking
> code ?
> Does it exist any instruction in pharo with a constant execution time ?
> (or it could be possible with one million years to compute enough speed
> tests and do an accurate mean...)
> Steven.
> Le 2017-06-16 18:14, Steven Costiou a écrit :
> You can find the code below. I just change the call to m by m1 to test the
> two methods.
> I started again in a fresh pharo 6 image and now the results seem all
> similar for the following code. I will do all my tests again to see if it
> was my fault but it takes a lot of time (2 hours for each full test).
> What sould be the expected results ? Should an instance of an anonymous
> class be as fast as a regular instance when calling the same code, being
> defined in the anon class or its super class ?
> A implements m ^100 printString and B subclass of A implements m1 ^100
> printString
> a := B new.
> class := A newAnonymousSubclass
>         addSlot: (InstanceVariableSlot named: #y); compile: 'm1
>     ^100 printString'; yourself.
> c := A new becomeForward: class new.
> res := Dictionary new.
> col1 := OrderedCollection new.
> col2 := OrderedCollection new.
> 10000 timesRepeat: [
>     Smalltalk garbageCollect .
>     col1 add: [1000000 timesRepeat: [ a m ]] timeToRun].
> 10000 timesRepeat: [
>     Smalltalk garbageCollect .
>     col2 add: [1000000 timesRepeat: [ c m ]] timeToRun].
> res at: 'a' put: col1.
> res at: 'c' put: col2.
> res inspect

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