Hi John, Was this using 64bits flavor ? If true, can you try with 32 and let me know? I ask because I know OSSubprocess doesn't work on 64 bits yet, but to fix this I need some pull requets merged in the VM...
Cheers, On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 1:21 AM, john pfersich <jpfers...@gmail.com> wrote: > I got a seg fault when I tried to execute some OSSubProcess code in Pharo > 6.0. > > Namely, > > | process | > process := OSSUnixSubprocess new > command: '/bin/cat'; > redirectStdin; > redirectStdout; > run. > process stdinStream > nextPutAll: 'we are testing!'; > nextPutAll: 'we again!'; > close. > process waitForExit. > process stdoutStream upToEndOfFile inspect. > process closeAndCleanStreams. > > Attached is the crash.dmp file > -- Mariano http://marianopeck.wordpress.com