IMO it depends on how the API works. Most REST APIs are stateless and the authentication token or api key is sent in each request, there is no login/logout operation. In this case you can setup a before filter and check the authentication token in the filter. If you use normal form based login then using http sessions is the way to go. You can check the session attribute in a before filter similarly, and redirect the user to the login page if there is no session info.
Teapot on before: '/secure/*' -> [:req | req session attributeAt: #user ifAbsent: [req abort: (TeaResponse redirect location: '/loginpage')]]; GET: '/loginpage' -> login form... GET: '/secure' -> 'protected'; start. You should clean the session when the user logs out manually. As far as I know ZnServer automatically cleans up inactive sessions after a while, so there is no need to worry about cleanup. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at