Hi Marc.

In Smalltalk, we rely on naming conventions a lot.

The great thing is that Smalltalk selectors/symbols/method names read like 

aDictionary at: aKey put: anObject.

aString indexOf: aCharacter  startingAt: start  ifAbsent: aBlock

Seems pretty clear, no?

We also rely on comments.  For instance this is the class comment for 
IceRepository - an abstraction of a git repo.

I represent an interface to a git repository. 

My main responsibilities are:
- Load/update both baselines and individual packages from the repository.
- Commit changes to the local repository and publish them to a remote 
- Browse other versions of the loaded packages.
- Handle branches

For the Collaborators Part: State my main collaborators and one line about how 
I interact with them. 

Public API and Key Messages
- loadPackage: packageName
- createBranch: newBranchName

Sample usage:

    Git new origin: 'g...@github.com:npasserini/pharo-git-test.git'.
    git loadPackage: 'Pharo-Git-Test'. 

Instance Variables
- origin: A string representing the url of a remote git repository (used as 
- repository:   An IceGitTreeGitRemoteRepository, which provides underlying git 
- location: <FileReference> The directory of the local repository.
- commitDictionary: <Dictionary of IceCommitInfo> Cached dictonary from 
commitId (hex string) to  all commits in the current branch (in the local repo).
- subdirectory: <String> The subdirectory of the local repository which is 
handled by the underlying GitFileTree
- versionDescriptors: <List of GitFileTreePackageEntry> cached list of all 
package versions saved in the (currently selected branch) of the (local) 
- announcer: <Announcer>
- branch: <IceBranch> currently selected branch. 
- loadedCode:  <IceLoadedCode> Contains information about the loaded code for 
each package in this repository. (TODO: maybe handle special cases about 
loading different versions loaded for different packages, see: 

I hope this helps.

-Todd Blanchard

> On Jun 7, 2017, at 10:17 PM, Marc Hanisch via Pharo-users 
> <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:
> From: Marc Hanisch <marc.hani...@googlemail.com>
> Subject: About patterns, UML and documentation
> Date: June 7, 2017 at 10:17:11 PM PDT
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> Hello,
> I don't know Smalltalk well enough to give myself an answer about the 
> following topic:
> When using design patterns, one benefit of writing interfaces and passing 
> objects, that implement this interface, to methods is, that the reader 
> instantly knows: okay, here the method A expects something that implements 
> method B.
> Due to the nature of being a dynamically typed language, Smalltalk does not 
> need interfaces. An exception object is thrown when a message is passed to an 
> object that does not implement that method. But this message send could be 
> deep inside the code.
> How do you show to the reader of your code your intention, that you are 
> expecting, let's say for example, an iterator or an object that implements 
> method X, Y and Z?
> Just with your method comments? Do you use UML? If so, how (without 
> interfaces that point to the required methods)?
> Sorry, but I think my understanding of OOP is still to much influenced by C++ 
> and Java based teachings...
> Thanks and best regards,
> Marc

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