Hi sven I'm working on a new configuration frameworks similar to the one use pillar.conf.
So basically I have ston := '{ "newLine":#unix, "separateOutputFiles":true }'. and I want to recreate it. So I did Object >> toConfigurationString ^ STON toString: self SimpleConfiguration >> exportStream ^ String streamContents: [ :str | str << '{' . self propertiesKeysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value| str << key toConfigurationString. str << ':'. str << value toConfigurationString. str << ','. str lf. ]. str << '}'. str contents ] The idea is that for special configuration values people should be able to define how to go from the object to configuration. For example for some FileReference I want to have just the path up to the baseDirectory. Now I wonder if I could not better reuse ston. I saw the stonOn: but I did not look further because I was wondering how the writer where passed. Any feedback is welcome. Stef (now bed time).