To get the extension methods into the Transducers package, the following
worked for me - edit the category to have the prefix '*Transducers-'


< !Number methodsFor: 'transforming' stamp: ' 2/6/17 15:38'!


> !Number methodsFor: '*Transducers-transforming' stamp: ' 2/6/17 15:38'!

On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Steffen Märcker <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> thanks for the many suggestions. I didn't had time to test all
> import/export ways yet. But for now, I can report on two:
> 1) NGFileOuter
> Unfortunately It raised several MNUs in my image. I'll investigate them
> later.
> 2) FileOut30 (VW Contributed)
> I was able to file out the code except for the package definition.
> Replacing {category: ''} in the class definitions with {package:
> 'Transducers'} fixed that. However, methods that extend existing classes
> did not end up in the Transducers package. Is there a similar easy change
> to the file-out making that happen? Also I'd like to add the package
> comment if that's possible.
> Most things appear to work as far as I can see. Two exceptions:
> 1) Random is a subclass of Stream in VW and in Pharo it is not. Hence,
> I'll have to copy some methods from Stream to Random.
> 2) I used #beImmutable in VW but I couldn't yet figure out how to make
> objects immutable in Pharo.
> However, until the tests are ported, I cannot guarantee. Porting the test
> suite will be another beast, since I rely on the excellent mocking/stubbing
> library DoubleAgents by Randy Coulman. I am not sure how I will handle
> that. In general, I think it would be really worth the effort to be ported
> to Pharo, too. DoubleAgents is pretty powerful and produces easy to read
> and understand mocking/stubbing code. Personally, I prefer it clearly,
> e.g., over Mocketry (no offence intended!).
> Attached you'll find the file-out that I loaded into Pharo. The issues
> above are not addressed yet. However, the following example works:
> | scale sides count collect experiment random samples coin flip |
> scale := [:x | (x * 2 + 1) floor] map.
> sides := #(heads tails) replace.
> count := 1000 take.
> collect := [:bag :c | bag add: c; yourself].
> experiment := (scale * sides * count) transform: collect.
> random := #(0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9).
> samples := random
>               reduce: experiment
>               init: Bag new.
> samples := random
>               transduce: scale * sides * count
>               reduce: collect
>               init: Bag new.
> coin := sides <~ scale <~ random.
> flip := Bag <~ count.
> samples := flip <~ coin.
> Best, Steffen
> Am .06.2017, 08:16 Uhr, schrieb Stephane Ducasse <
> >:
> There is a package for that NGFileOuter or something like that on cincom
>> store.
>> We used it for mobydic code.
>> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Alexandre Bergel <
>> wrote:
>> If I remember correctly, there is a parcel in VisualWorks to export a file
>>> out (Squeak format).
>>> @Milton, can you give a hand to Steffen?
>>> Alexandre
>>> --
>>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>>> Alexandre Bergel
>>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>>> On May 31, 2017, at 10:32 AM, Steffen Märcker <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the encouraging response! First question: Which is the
>>> recommended (friction free) way to exchange code between VW and Pharo?
>>> Cheers!
>>> Steffen
>>> Am .05.2017, 16:22 Uhr, schrieb Alexandre Bergel <
>>> >:
>>> I second Sven. This is very exciting!
>>> Let us know when you have something ready to be tested.
>>> Alexandre

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