Cyril is right; there is a class KeyedTree which is a subclass of Dictionary and is in effect a set of nested dictionaries. There was a brief discussion of this in April, initiated by Markus Böhm, who wanted a neat way of looking up entries in nested dictionaries. KeyedTree uses the idea of a path, which is an array of the successive keys needed to locate an entry in an embedded dictionary. Sven also saw this, and has extended NeoJSONObject to provide the same embedding and path lookup. To see Sven’s brief explanation, find the original thread, entitled “ [Pharo-users] Hot to retrieve values from Nested Dictionaries” (note the typo in the original post) starting on 24 April 2017, or see the class comment for NeoJSONObject. Hope this helps. Peter Kenny From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of Cyril Ferlicot Sent: 27 May 2017 19:42 To: Any question about pharo is welcome <> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Dictionary whose values are dictionaries On sam. 27 mai 2017 at 20:35, Cyril Ferlicot < <> > wrote: On sam. 27 mai 2017 at 20:29, Stephane Ducasse < <> > wrote: Hi I'm looking for an implementation of dictionary whose value is also a dictionary. Stef Hi! I don't remember the exact name but I know that an algo at synectique use such a collection. The name is something like Ktree or something like this but I don't have a computer to check this week end. — >From my phone Cyril -- Cheers Cyril Ferlicot I think the exact name was KeyedTree. — >From my phone Cyril -- Cheers Cyril Ferlicot