Pharo 5.0 It seems like a bug to me, but perhaps I misunderstand something.
1) Comment in Rectangle class >> origin:corner: method shows 'origin' should be top left and 'corner' should be bottom right. This method calls Rectangle >> setPoint:point:. But this method calculates 'origin' to be bottom left corner and 'corner' to be top right. Now all the edge and corner methods are wrong. r := Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: 10@10. r topLeft. => (0@0) "should be 0@10" r bottomRight. => (10@10) "should be 10@0" r top. => 0 "should be 10" r bottom. => 10 " should be 0" 2) Why Polygon >> bounds (which is PathShape >> bounds) returns a rectangle with a corner 1 point larger than the actual boundary? p1 := Polygon vertices: {0@0 . 0@10 . 10@10 . 10@0}. p1 bounds. => (0@0) corner: (11@11). "should be 0@0 and 10@10" This seems to be a fix to Rectangle >> containsPoint: strange behavior. By strange behavior, I mean: r := Rectangle point: 0@0 point: 10@10. r containsPoint: 0@0. => true r containsPoint: 10@10. => false "should be true" { r topLeft . r topRight . r bottomLeft . r bottomRight } allSatisfy [ :corner | r containsPoint: corner ]. => false "should be true" I want to fix this in my image, but Rectangle is used all over the place and I'm worry I'll break a lot of things. I wonder if I just misunderstood how these are supposed to be used. Can anybody help me understand if this is intentional or a bug? PS: I looked at RectangleTest and I'm not sure I understand why they are testing what they are testing. -- Andreas Sunardi