Something went wrong during your upgrade with class initialization. Installing the latest versions of these projects into a clean image would work, and so would installing the latest XMLParserHTML and XMLParserStAX into the newest Moose-6.1 image (which has the latest XMLParser and XPath).
But if you insist on upgrading your old image, try the latest ConfigurationOfXMLParser (.303.mcz) and ConfigurationOfXPath (.149.mcz) from their PharoExtras repos and install their latest project versions, and do the same with XMLParserHTML and XMLParserStAX (the older versions aren't compatible with newer XMLParser versions). Then open the test runner and run all "XML|XPath" tests. If you get any failures, evaluate this: #('XML-Parser' 'XPath-Core') do: [:package | (SystemNavigation default allClassesInPackageNamed: package) do: [:class | class initialize]] and try running the tests again. > Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 at 6:50 PM > From: PBKResearch <> > To: "'Any question about pharo is welcome'" <> > Subject: [Pharo-users] Problems loading XML System ( was Re: [Zinc] > ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for utf-8 encoding) > > Monty > > As an update, I have rebuilt from the Moose 6.0 download. The version of > XML-Parser in that was dated 18 July 2016 (configuration monty.233), so I > installed versions of XML-Parser-HTML and XML-Parser-StAX contemporary with > that. (The respective configurations are monty.48 and monty.39). With these > versions all my previous XMLHTMLParser operations work as before, and I have > been able to use the StAX parser in a simple way. So I can start exploring as > I intended. > > I have made repeated attempts to update this rebuilt image to more recent > versions of the HTML and StAX parsers, and every time I run into the same > error reported below. I started from the latest version and worked backwards, > but gave up quickly; it takes about 6 minutes on my machine to load and > compile a version, and it soon gets tedious. If I feel more enthusiastic > tomorrow, I might start working forwards from my current versions. > > Anyway, I now have a working system with the StaX and HTML parsers, so I can > continue to explore. > > Best wishes > > Peter Kenny > > -----Original Message----- > From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of > PBKResearch > Sent: 15 May 2017 20:44 > To: 'Any question about pharo is welcome' <> > Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] [Zinc] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for > utf-8 encoding > > Monty > > I have just started trying to use the StAX parsers, and I have found that the > update has introduced a problem, which means that XMLHTMLParser no longer > works on examples I have used before. I updated to > ConfigurationOfXMLParser(monty.302), which is the latest version on the > smalltalkhub repository, and then used the load version in the class comment, > which loads the stable default. Similarly, I loaded > ConfigurationOfXMLParserHTML(monty.62) and > ConfigurationOfXMLParserStAX(monty.51), again using stable and default. When > I try to run the XMLHTMLParser example I quoted below, I get an error message > 'MessageNotunderstood: receiver of "critical:" is nil'. The same message > comes up with anything else I try with XMLHTMLParser or with StAXHTMLParser. > > I am not really up to using the debugger on someone else's code, but the one > thing I can see is that the problem lies in XMLKeyValueCache>>critical:, > which has the code: > ^ self mutex critical: aBlock > The problem being that mutex is nil. > > In my enthusiasm, I saved the updated image with the same name as the old > image, which is now therefore overwritten. If I cannot solve this problem, my > only way out is to rebuild my image from the Moose 6.0 download. Any > suggestions gratefully received. > > Thanks in advance > > Peter Kenny > > -----Original Message----- > From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of > PBKResearch > Sent: 15 May 2017 19:16 > To: 'Any question about pharo is welcome' <> > Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] [Zinc] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for > utf-8 encoding > > Monty > > Many thanks for this. My original purpose was just to answer Paul > deBruicker's query, namely to parse an html file and stop reading at the end > of the <head> section. I solved this by trial and error using the code shown > below ( which actually stops at the opening tag of the body). This was not my > problem at all, but Paul's; I just tackled it for fun. > > However, you note has prompted me to update my version of the whole XML > system - I was using the version I downloaded with Moose 6.0, which was dated > August 2016. I am looking at the StAX parsers as a possible way of > simplifying what I currently do, which involves downloading an entire web > page as a DOM and then manipulating it with XPath to extract the bits I am > interested in. I may be able to use StAX to do some of the selection and > manipulation as I am reading. > > It's all a new topic to me, so I foresee a lot of experimentation. It all > helps to keep the grey matter active. > > Thanks again > > Peter Kenny > > -----Original Message----- > From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of > monty > Sent: 15 May 2017 12:15 > To: > Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] [Zinc] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for > utf-8 encoding > > For that kind of incremental parsing, you could also use XMLParserStAX, a > pull-parser that parses a document as a stream of event objects you control > with #next, #peek, and #atEnd. It also supports pull-DOM parsing with > messages like #nextNode, #nextElement, and #nextElementNamed:, which return > the next event object(s) as DOM subtrees (searchable with XPath). See the > StAXParser class comment for an example. (The StAXHTMLParser class requires > XMLParserHTML be installed to work.) > > > > >