On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:03 AM, Andreas Sunardi <a.suna...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Hi Stephane,
> I shall read that Metacello chapter. I had considered this case closed until
> you replied again. I took another peek and I think I found the root cause.
> And for the sake of those who stumble on this email thread, I should clarify
> this.
> This is probably related to my old email thread about running Pharo 5.0 on
> linux with old glibc, which resulted in Pharo5.0-linux-oldLibC download to
> work properly.
> http://lists.pharo.org/pipermail/pharo-users_lists.pharo.org/2016-October/028431.html
> Following your solution, after installing PetitParser from Catalog Browser
> in Windows version, I noticed the ConfigurationOfPetitParser version is
> TudorGirba.80, the version I had problem in linux. I then wondered why it
> didn't work on my linux with old glibc versions. Here's what I found
> Download and version (SystemVersion current imageVersionString):
> centos              Pharo-5.0-50761-
> linux                 Pharo-5.0-50772-
> linux-oldLibC     *Pharo-6.0-60257-*

Can you provide the links for those downloads?

cheers -ben

> Pharo5.0-linux-oldLibC has image for Pharo 6.0. This is the one I use where
> PetitParser installation failed.
> Using Catalog Browser, or Gofer instruction from smalltalkhub, for #load and
> #loadDevelopment versions, PetitParser installation works fine for images
> that come from linux and centos  versions, but not from linux-oldLibC.
> So, I believe that is the problem. I'm not sure what's the right solution,
> but I think I can stay in this image and use TudorGirba.77 version or I can
> try using image from linux version.
> Thanks again. If you hadn't replied about Metacello, I'd have never taken
> another look and found this.
> --
> Andreas Sunardi
> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:45 AM, Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> You should read the beginning of the chapter on metacello.
>> Metacello is a map
>> Monticello element of the map
>> You load elements by asking the map.
>> Stef
>> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 3:43 AM, Andreas Sunardi <a.suna...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Stephane,
>>> Indeed, PetitParser installation from Catalog Browser works just fine!
>>> Thank you very much.
>>> I used Monticello Browser before, but not Catalog Browser. I didn't know
>>> this is the preferred method to install package. I don't think DeepIntoPharo
>>> mentions about Catalog Browser, but maybe my version is outdated.
>>> Thanks again, Stephane.
>>> --
>>> Andreas Sunardi
>>> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Stephane Ducasse
>>> <stepharo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sorry I meant the catalogBrowser.
>>>> Using the catalogBrowser on a given version of Pharo you should access
>>>> the configuration for this version (if people updated it correctly).
>>>> Our plan is to make sure that such configurations are validated.
>>>> Stef
>>>> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Stephane Ducasse
>>>> <stepharo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi andreas
>>>>> Normally you should be able to load a package using the
>>>>> ConfigurationBrowser and the configuration (now I do not know the one of
>>>>> PetitParser)
>>>>> should take care of the pharo version for you.
>>>>> stef
>>>>> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 7:06 PM, Andreas Sunardi <a.suna...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Following DeepIntoPharo, I tried to install PetitParser into my Pharo
>>>>>> 5.0 image (I noticed PetitParser installation problem email in March). It
>>>>>> failed with the message WinPlatform class was undefined. I went to 
>>>>>> Moose's
>>>>>> PetitParser site in smalltalkhub and followed the instruction there, and
>>>>>> this also failed.
>>>>>> Out of frustration, I downloaded Moose 6.0 and thought I'd start from
>>>>>> Moose image instead. But then I noticed Moose's PetitParser package has
>>>>>> ConfigurationOfPetitParser from version TudorGirba.77 and the 
>>>>>> instruction I
>>>>>> followed was trying to install it using version TudorGirba.80. Back to my
>>>>>> Pharo 5 image, I unload/remove ConfigurationOfPetitParser and load 
>>>>>> version
>>>>>> TudorGirba.77. And this works!
>>>>>> But this way to solve PetitParser installation problem seems wrong. I
>>>>>> figure if this could very well happen with other packages too. What is 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> right way to find package version that works with my image/pharo 
>>>>>> version? Or
>>>>>> is this an issue with PetitParser package itself and should I ask/report
>>>>>> this to Moose team?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Andreas Sunardi

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