On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 10:10 PM, peter yoo <onionmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> this requirements.
> 1. nginx + php-fpm (another web env is ok. important is PHP)
> 2. Pharo 5
> http://workspace.onionmixer.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Pharo_Json_PHP_Example_01
> so.. me know now. but need "sample code" then can help to any newbie.
> always thank you to community. and... Pharo 64bit for linux is good for
> korean. because input korea charactor is not have problem. all clear now. :D

I can't read Korean, but from the code samples it looks like an
intersting demo. Thanks for posting.
Do I guess correctly that PHP is used for the server and Pharo for the client?

Nice to hear of another corner of the world where Pharo is being used.
cheers -ben

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