Hi, i'm confused with how to configure the remote debugger. I used this link to configure my images: http://dionisiydk.blogspot.fr/2017/01/pharmide-pharo-remote-ide-to-develop.html
I evaluated "1/0" in a playground in the remote image, and the exception opens in my local image. Now if i clic "abandon", the local image is ok but the remote is frozen. If i clic "proceed", the local image is frozen and the remote is ok. So using the remote browser from my local image, i created a test class with a test method that does "^'1', 0" and i execute it in the remote image. The debugger opens the local image and i can debug it "^'1', 0 printString", accept and proceed. The inspector opens with the return value in the remote image and the local image is frozen again. The only solution i have is to kill the image. I used Windows 7 for these tests. Is there anything i missed besides the configurations steps in the link above ? RemoteBrowser and RemotePlayground seem to work fine, except some problems with the contextual menus in the browser.