Hi harmunt

I'm doing too many things to get energy to be concentrated on Spec.
Now I'm surprised that Character space would work as a KeyCombination

and I saw that the eventKeyStrokes are often converted into a keyCombination
for the next previous event.

registerKeyStrokesForNextFor: aWidget

aWidget ifNil: [ ^ self ].
self eventKeyStrokesForNextFocus do: [:each |
aWidget bindKeyCombination: each toAction: [ self giveFocusToNextFrom: self
] ]

"String describing the keystroke to perform to jump to the next widget"
^ { Character tab asKeyCombination }

Can you try
  textinputField   bindKeyCombination: Character tab asKeyCombination
toAction:  textinputField acceptBlock


On Sat, May 6, 2017 at 10:22 PM, Hartmut Krasemann <
hartmut.krasem...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> maybe someone can give me a hint.
> I use SPEC for an elaborate GUI with the need to switch autoaccept of
> inputFields off.
> So accept of textInputFields is by Return.
> Since Tabs are used to navigate anyway, It would be great to "accept" on
> leaving the inputField.
> I found the possibility to bind a key/keyCombination to an action
> (as is done in ButtonModel initialize:
> self bindKeyCombination: Character space toAction: [ self action ]    )
> However the following code in a TextinputFieldModel
>    textinputField   bindKeyCombination: Character tab toAction:
> textinputField acceptBlock
> did not work.
> What should I do?
> Thanks for a hint
> --
> Hartmut Krasemann
> Königsberger Str. 41 c
> D 22869 Schenefeld
> Tel. 040.8307097
> Mobil 0171.6451283
> krasem...@acm.org

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