Christoph It looks as though MenuMorph>>invokeModal should do what you want. The method comment has a useful code demo.
HTH Peter Kenny -----Original Message----- From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of Christoph J. Bachinger Sent: 28 April 2017 09:25 To: Subject: [Pharo-users] Modal Menu in Pharo5 Hello, I'm looking for a modal menu. It should stop method code execution until any left mouse klick. I tried MenuMorph with code like below, but this does not stop execution. Any hint? thank you cjb ComposableModel subclass: #BachitophTestWindow instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Trimfox'. BachitophTestWindow compile: 'initializeWidgets'. |window menu choice| window := BachitophTestWindow new openWithSpecLayout: SpecLayout composed. menu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: window; color: (window theme menuColorFor: window); addToggle: 'abcabcabcabc' target: window selector: #yourself"(labels at: 1)"; addToggle: 'cdfgcdfgcdfg' target: window selector: #yourself; addLine; addToggle: 'hijkhijkhijk' target: window selector: #yourself; yourself. choice := menu popUpInWorld. choice selectedItem isNil ifTrue: [ choice := 'abc' ] ifFalse: [choice := choice selectedItem contents]. self halt.