> On Apr 23, 2017, at 15:38, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote: > > > > On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 11:13 PM, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kube...@icloud.com > <mailto:juraj.kube...@icloud.com>> wrote: > Hi, > > We are happy to announce a new application called Pharo Sprint App. The main > idea of the application comes from the whiteboard that have been used during > Pharo Sprints and was also adopted in Chile. > > <Copia de whiteboard.jpeg> > > As the Pharo Sprint is organized in several places around the world, we miss > the connection with other guys. For that reason we decided to move the > physical whiteboard to the internet and developed Pharo Sprint App. > > <main-window.png> > > How does it work? Participants choose a case from the ‘proposed' or ‘all’ > list. Once they are done, they move it to the ‘done’ list. We believe that > the application will encourage other people, especially newcomers, to join us > during the events and have a fun, together with other developers. > > How To Use It? > • Download the latest image from Bintray > <https://bintray.com/jurajkubelka/PharoSprint/build/_latestVersion#files> > • Execute the image, using the corresponding VM for Pharo 6 > • Run the application from World Menu / Communication / Pharo Sprint > • Login, using your FogBugz account, wait a bit, then choose a case and > have a happy programming :-) > > Everybody participating in the sprints should use the Pharo Sprint image. > > The upcoming event is on Friday April 28: > https://association.pharo.org/event-2492488 > <https://association.pharo.org/event-2492488> > > The application is deployed in Pharo 6 (32 and 64bits). More details are > available at: https://github.com/JurajKubelka/PharoSprint > <https://github.com/JurajKubelka/PharoSprint> > > I will appreciate any feedback. > > Have a fun! :-) > Juraj > > > Thanks Juraj. This is great. I saw your testing in the discord chat and was > curious. > > This reminds me, one thing I've wanted to do for a long time is type an Issue > number into PharoLauncher > and have it download latest Image, get the issue title from Fogbugz to rename > the Image, > start the image with a script to open Inbox ready on the Issue. > > If I ever do get to it, mixing in your sprint app might be cool. > > cheers -ben >
Hi Ben, I like the idea. I will check the PharoLauncher source code in order to find out what code I can reuse. If you have any idea or knowledge that can help me, I will appreciate if you share it in the mailing list or here: https://github.com/JurajKubelka/PharoSprint/issues/9 <https://github.com/JurajKubelka/PharoSprint/issues/9> Thanks! Juraj