
Comments below ;-)

On 02/04/17 04:18, Ben Coman wrote:

On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 4:54 AM, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com <mailto:kilon.al...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Ironically and this is not April's Fool joke, Scratch has been
    exploding in popularity



    So what Smalltalk has failed to achieve, Scratch is achieving it
    now even though it was made with Smalltalk. Makes sense though,
    many countries have been pushing coding into schools and Scratch
    was always a No1 choice, its just lately this push has been a lot
    more severe because of the severe lack of pro and amateur coders.

With a 12 month lag, you might say it fairly well follows the rise of RPi sales...
Now Pharo is aiming at a business market and maybe not kids,
but some of those kids have parents that in the tech industry,
and of course they will want to help their kid's with their projects.
So now you have a few hours attention from a decision maker
who otherwise wouldn't have time to poke something new with a barge pole.

On the path of passing from visual metaphors to coding I remember using Scratch, Etoys, and Bots Inc (in that order) with my undergrad students in 2006 and 2007. Now I'm using data activism to join visualization with code for grown ups. I think that this kind of bridges in two directions (from code to visuals and vice-versa) are important. In that sense, project like Phratch are a good way to introduce novices to programming and let them to deconstruct/traverse their way to underlying coding behind GUI without all the extra layers that now has Scratch, since its "migration to the web". Complementary ways of approaching the divide between coders and non coders are important to get more diversity, with kids, data scientist journalist and activists and others knowing the advantages of live coding moldability and others that are brought by the Pharo/Smalltalk Ecosystem.

    On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:54 PM Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
    <offray.l...@mutabit.com <mailto:offray.l...@mutabit.com>> wrote:

        Well... I was just trying to get myself unembarrassed... but
        was not catch was not mine... next years I will let it run
        wildly and help to it.

Of course :)
For a few minutes it *really* made my day also (until I searched and the other half of my brain caught up).

With all this post-true issues now is difficult for more me not to ask for sources... is more difficult to fall into Aprils fools, but asking for sources on a fake new on that day is kind of falling in the joke :-).



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