Hi asbath

can you attach your code?
So that we can load it in a magritified image?


On Fri, 17 Mar 2017 07:54:37 +0100, Asbath Sama biyalou via Pharo-users <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> wrote:


I am using Magritte to generate reports for a pharo class. I want to
customize generated components in order to have a better design.

My class is Match

Object subclass: #Match
    instanceVariableNames: 'date_match hour_match status actions stadium
comments teams goals1 goals2 competition'
    classVariableNames: ''
    category: MyProject-Entity'

Descriptions for some variables.

Stadium is also a Class.

^ MASingleOptionDescription new
    label: 'Stadium';
    priority: 305;
    accessor: #stadium;
    options: Team allStadiumsName;
    componentClass: TBSMagritteSelectListComponent;

^ MAMultipleOptionDescription new
    label: 'Teams';
    priority: 805;
    accessor: #teams;
    options: Team allTeamsName;
    componentClass: MAMultiselectListComponent;

The generated component in the form is not very pretty. I want to have
multiple checkbox.

^ MASingleOptionDescription new
    label: 'Status';
    priority: 505;
    accessor: #status;
    options: #('Pas en cours' 'En Cours' 'Mi-temps' 'Terminé');
    componentClass: TBSMagritteSelectListComponent;

For the report I use the class SEMatchReport

TBSMagritteReport subclass: #SEMatchReport
    instanceVariableNames: 'report'
    classVariableNames: ''
    category: 'MyProject-Components'

SEMatchReport class>>from
    | report matchs commandColumn |
    matchs := Match selectAll.
    report:= self rows: matchs description: (self
        filteredDescriptionsFrom: matchs anyOne).
   commandColumn := MACommandColumn new.
   (SEMatchReport new session isSimpleAdmin)
    ifTrue: [
        report addColumn: (commandColumn
            addCommandOn: report selector: #editMatch: text: 'Modifier';
            addCommandOn: report selector: #addAction: text: 'Ajouter
une action'; yourself ) ]
    ifFalse: [
        report addColumn: (commandColumn
            addCommandOn: report selector: #editMatch: text: 'Modifier';
            addCommandOn: report selector: #deleteMatch: text:
'Supprimer'; yourself;
            addCommandOn: report selector: #addAction: text: 'Ajouter
une action'; yourself ) ].
   ^ report

I want to put some bootstrapp icons near commandColumn actions. like
pencil or delete on 'Supprimer'.

SEMatchReport class>>filteredDescriptionsFrom: aMatch
    ^ aMatch magritteDescription select: [ :each | #(date_match
hour_match stadium goals1 goals2 teams)
        includes: each accessor selector ]

I notice that on the generated report on column stadium we have
aStadium. We don't have the value (the name). I don't know how to
mention it in the filtered descriptions.

Change the color of lines in the report, etc. All that things.

Sorry for the bad english.



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