Apparently we need to produce a pdf to the new format.
I will check with damien P
On Sun, 12 Mar 2017 17:43:15 +0100, stepharong <> wrote:
I like your suggestion and I checked on lulu
The current size is
format royal 15.6 * 23.39 (and I think that we should not get smaller)
Now on spiral I got
black and white: Letter US 21.6 * 27.94
A5 but this is smaller 14.81 * 20.99
cream: 15.24 * 22.86 (I think that it will be too small)
So I will give a try to produce a spiral in Letter US and let you know.
If you are interested I could give you access to a print version as soon
as I get
the cover.
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