Le 12/03/2017 à 09:54, Jan Blizničenko a écrit :
Well, today I attempted to reproduce it again to confirm the 64bit
version was the case, but it probably is not.

I tried using current 64bit git, old 64bit I had before, different Pharo
VMs across two years (because I replaced whole VM+sources folders at the
same time as I updated git) and it just works fine no matter what I try
(quite opposite to usual state :) ).

Thanks for testing for a confirmation then. I had issues with 32bits and 64bits with windows related stuff lately (Ubuntu with Wine in 32bits and 64bits) and a wine prefix in 64bits would allways fail to install

I am not sure what exact versions of Git and Pharo VM I had before, but
I tried multiple ones today and it all worked, so it might have been a
bug in just my version fixed in another one, or corrupted
installation/settings from even older versions (on both PCs - they
always had the same version), anyway result is that 64bit git works and
solution was in fact complete reinstall/cleanup of Git and Pharo.

Good to know.



Dne 12.03.2017 v 8:09 Thierry Goubier [via Smalltalk] napsal(a):
Hi Jan,

thanks for that insight. It is a good knowledge item you found there,
about that 32bits to 64bits failure.



Le 12/03/2017 à 01:33, Jan Blizničenko a écrit :

> I followed my thought about git program and then it occured to me - I
> forgot I had installed 64bit version of git :)
> Replaced it by 32bit and GitFileTree is working.
> Thank you and sorry for taking your time.
> Jan
> Dne 12.03.2017 v 1:29 Jan Blizničenko napsal(a):
>> Hello and thanks for reply
>> No, no crash.dmp and nothing in PharoDebug.log or stderr. Not even any
>> error message window like I remember from using GitFileTree those 2
>> years ago.
>> I tried Iceberg too, but I came to problems with git authentication
>> (git error "authentication required but no callback set" or "Request
>> failed with status code: 401"), but I will try to find more about that
>> or wait for Iceberg to evolve a little, because it seems like a great
>> project.
>> GitFileTree does not work on my second Windows 10 PC, too. Note that I
>> have same version of same git program there (
>> https://git-scm.com/download/win ).
>> On linux in VirtualBox, using same steps, GitFileTree works fine.
>> About the Linux subsystem, there are too many obstacles to use it for
>> everydays taks, like to setup display, making 64bit Pharo working etc.
>> and I don't want to spend too much time on that just to find out it
>> does not support something I need (like socket listening on
>> connections from Windows).
>> Jan
>> Dne 11.03.2017 v 23:49 Thierry Goubier [via Smalltalk] napsal(a):
>>> Hi Jan,
>>> Le 11/03/2017 à 23:15, Jan Blizničenko a écrit :
>>> > Hello
>>> >
>>> > I decided to give another try to GitFileTree. My last try was 2
>>> years ago,
>>> > but I had to revert to simple filetree because of frequent crashes
>>> while
>>> > saving to gitfiletree repository on Windows.
>>> >
>>> > Today my attempt ended much more quickly.
>>> > What I did and what was the result?
>>> >
>>> > 1) Downloaded Pharo 5 for Windows from
>>> http://pharo.org/download and opened
>>> > it
>>> > 2) Found GitFileTree, selected Install stable version and confirmed
>>> I want
>>> > to install although it was not tested for Pharo 5
>>> > -> it loaded without visible problem
>>> This is a bug in the Pharo5 catalog, and GitFileTree integrates a
fix to
>>> get it to load without issues. So disregard that warning.
>>> > 3) Opened Monticello, +Repository, selected empty directory I just
>>> created,
>>> > clicked Ok
>>> > -> image closed (like if I killed Pharo process - no error, no
>>> question,
>>> > just closed)
>>> No crash.dmp in the directory?
>>> > So, I am not even sure how to even debug it.
>>> > Is this any common problem or did I miss something?
>>> It shouldn't do that. But, if you have such an error, it is
usually in
>>> the layer providing external commands access used by
GitFileTree... and
>>> it shouldn't crash.
>>> > I tried it also in latest Pharo 6, I tried also loading using code
>>> from
>>> > github://dalehenrich/filetree:pharo6.0_dev/repository , I tried
>>> also latest
>>> > VM, but no luck so far.
>>> > I have Windows 10 64bit.
>>> Could you try with the ubuntu layer on Windows 10? Jason Lecerf had
>>> success with it last December, including the ability to run the 64
>>> version of Pharo 6 (for Linux) with it.
>>> Another thing you may be interested to try is Iceberg, instead of
>>> GitFileTree.
>>> Regards,
>>> Thierry
>>> >
>>> > Thank you
>>> > Jan
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
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