
Bellow a digest I compiled regarding problems met with Voyage, and its resolutions, all documented  through messages in the mailing list (hello Slat ;)


Le 05/03/2017 à 09:49, Hilaire a écrit :
Hi Stephan,

I am maintaining such a digest, with links to the discussion on the
list. I will post it once I am done with Voyage.



Feedback on its installation and use:

  • MongoDB get installed and running easily
  • Scaled Decimal will mostly not be persisted. If you are doing arithmetic computing and exact value is needed, you will end with a too large integer error from Voyage (for the fraction den/num representing your exact value). You have no choice but to use float http://forum.world.st/Voyage-and-Scaled-decimal-tt4936625.html

Dr. Geo

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