On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 06:53:16PM +0100, Raffaello Giulietti wrote: > Hi community, > > many IDEs for other language usually offer a way to annotate methods > with special comments like "TODO ...", "FIXME ...". Such methods can > then be later retrieved easily in task lists and selected by simple > clicks. > > Is there something similar in Pharo? > > Thanks >
The most common is `self flag: 'text'`. This will give you an icon in Nautilus browser. But keep in mind that IDEs impose special syntax because they do not provide you with option to retrieve it yourself. In Pharo there is no such restriction, so you can do whatever you find most practical to you and then just collect the places yourself. E.g. you can trivally retrieve all methods that have "todo" anywhere in method comment: ('My-Package' asPackage classes flatCollect: #methods) select: [ :each | each comment isNotNil and: [ each comment includesSubstring: 'todo' ] ] Peter