On 02/15/2017 02:43 PM, horrido wrote:
In file-based word, the answer is tests and CI. What is the smalltalk way?
And please do not say "It's in the conceptual nature of programming" -- if
the scenario makes no sense in the smalltalk world (maybe you are not
supposed to have 20 people working on the same project?) please say this.
Well I think that being able to use git (disk based SCMS) for managing
Smalltalk code is one step towards making it practical for large teams
to work together ...
The major piece that I think is still missing is the ability to have a
declarative formula/specification for the contents of an image ...
The declarative build formula/specification must be something that can
be shared and versioned.
Today, the closest we can come to this is an ad hoc Smalltalk script and
that really isn't a good answer....
I think that some of the missing building blocks for an image-level
declarative formula specification are covered in my "Dangerous Liaisons:
Smalltalk, files, and git "[1] talk, but I really think that there is
additional work that needs to be done to make it really practical for
large teams to be able work together on large projects.
[1] http://fast.org.ar/talks/dangerous-liaisons-smalltalk-files-and-git