Hello, I am getting the error message while trying to load magritte through the Pharo5 Catalog on a Windows machine:
"This package depends on the following classes: GRPharoPlatform You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions: GRPharoPlatform>>#magritteAllSubInstancesOf:do: GRPharoPlatform>>#magritteClassNamed: GRPharoPlatform>>#magritteColorClass GRPharoPlatform>>#magritteEvaluatorClassFor: GRPharoPlatform>>#magritteTimeStampClass GRPharoPlatform>>#magritteTimeStampIfAbsent: GRPharoPlatform>>#magritteUniqueObject Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation." If I 'Proceed' I think magritte don't installs correctly since many classes are missing. I couldn't find the project of GRPharoPlatform so that I could install before magritte. Anyone can help? Thanks, Vitor