> I do not think so but if people show me otherwise I could follow that.

Well, in most languages (their package dependencies) one can just specify
name of the project and a version. The location/how to load it is pulled
from a central repository.
So that's why I thought that maybe the MetaRepo could be used in a similar

> In the long term the the MetaRepo should be replaced by a repository of
project specification objects

That also seems needlessly complex; basically just ConfigurationOf
separated to parts. I do not want to restrict the users, but with a central
repo the most common use case shouldn't be 10 lines of configuration.

> Does BaselineOf work with Monticello?
> I thought it was only for use with git.

Monticello or Metacello?

You can download/install projects just fine (and also depend on other
baselines from your baselines or configurations)

Metacello new
    baseline: 'FileDialog';
    repository: 'github://peteruhnak/file-dialog/repository';

Also BaselineOf is just a subclass of ConfigurationOf.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 2:48 AM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> Very good to hear ... I have to try to be a bit more patient :)
> On 2/12/17 9:37 AM, stepharong wrote:
>> On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 16:36:42 +0100, Dale Henrichs <
>> dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Peter,
>>> <wishful thinking>
>>> In the long term the the MetaRepo should be replaced by a repository of
>>> project specification objects (like this [1]). Each project specification
>>> would contain the meta data for a project (like this[2]) instead of a copy
>>> of a ConfigurationOf that is almost always out-of-date.
>> Yes we are working on it.
>> Now 64bits, FFI, Iceberg, bootstrap got our attention.
>>> ConfigurationOf should really be phased out -- they've been obsolete for
>>> 3-4 years now... BaselineOf is preferred.
>>> If folks are using something like git/github, with proper branching,
>>> then a BaselineOf wouldn't be published on the master branch until the unit
>>> tests are passing (travis-ci).
>> I want more than just the tests but this is a start.
>>> </wishful thinking>
>> We will arrive there. Because I want it too.
>> Now pavel worked on the bootstrap to avoid to lose all the energy that
>> guille put on it.
>>> Dale
>>> [1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/tree/gh-pages
>>> [2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/blob/gh-pages/Seas
>>> ide3.ston
>>> On 2/12/17 4:03 AM, Peter Uhnak wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> would it make sense to take configurations from metarepos instead
>>>> directly from the source?
>>>> And more imporantly: would be considered bad practice for users to do
>>>> it right now?
>>>> E.g.
>>>> spec
>>>>     project: 'Magritte'
>>>>     with: [ spec
>>>>         className: #ConfigurationOfMagritte3;
>>>>         versionString: #stable;
>>>>         repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Ph
>>>> aro/MetaRepoForPharo50/main/' ].
>>>> v. repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Magritte/Magritte3/main/'
>>>> pros:
>>>> * the (e.g. Magritte) developer can freely change platforms
>>>> * the ConfigurationOf could differ between various MetaRepo versions
>>>> (combined with git it could reduce their complexity)
>>>> * users do not have to think about where is the canonical repo (I've
>>>> seen project that had copies on SS, STHub, GitHub, and a custom location
>>>> -_-)
>>>> cons:
>>>> * the ConfigurationOf could differ between various MetaRepo versions
>>>> (if the code is compatible, then two repos have to be updated
>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>> Peter

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