Hey guys we have some new features for our online Discord chat server , called Pharo, you may find interesting.
I added 2 new bots. The first one goes with the name "Pharo" its basically Mee6 bot https://mee6.xyz/ Pharo bot is responsible for many features 1) it offers moderator commands for me and Esteban 2) it offers user commands , these can be used by anyone, which are convenient ways to bring up links to pharo documentation, pharo website and my youtube pharo video tutorial playlist 3) it integrates with reddit so we can keep an eye on the smalltalk subreddit where pharoers post from time to time 4) it integrates with Esteban's rss for getting the latest news for his work on Pharo 5) it integrates with Pharo rss where news and announcement appear 6) it integrates with twitter for tracking down any new tweet from Pharo twitter account (probably more accounts will be added in the future) 7) A welcome message for beginners to get you started 8) it also has a level up system , like an rpg , that awards experience points when people participate. The lighthouse bot on the other hand is made for more advanced pharo related features. First of all the github repo is here for anyone familiar with python and Discord that is willing to give a helping hand. https://github.com/kilon/lighthouse The intention is to add a documentation system that a new user can ask question and get quick links to specific documentation. I am inspired by the fsbot in #emacs irc channel at freenode that is heavily used by new and experienced emacs users. The bot has features to search documentation and create new documentation directly from the online chat. I like also to take this opportunity to ask for suggestions , advice , desires or curses. If there is anything you would like added to the bot and you cannot be bothered to learn python or discord api just drop it on the table and if I find it interesting and easy enough I will implement it. I am also investigating a python library I found for AI chatbot which learns the more it chats with you and it could be turned to an online assistant for newcomers and experienced pharo users. Maybe its a bit far fetched but I willing to give it a try. So no promises.