Okay, I am having the worst time with this.. i have a class called RadioStation that for now, just had few text instance variables.
all I really need to do is turn this into JSON.. i can do it with something like: String streamContents: [ :stream | (NeoJSONWriter on: stream) prettyPrint: true; mapInstVarsFor: RadioStation; nextPut: (RadioStation SelectAll last) ]. but this seems like massive overkill.. plus, very soon, this is going to have collections of other objects.. also, since this returns a string.. when Teapot returns this, it escapes all of the “s and produces illegal json, as it’s just a string.. i read about mappers, but i can’t figure out how to create them.. doing something simple like: | mapper server | mapper := NeoJSONMapper new. mapper mapAllInstVarsFor: RadioStation. mapper mappings. NeoJSONWriter toString: station. which feels like it should work, gives me: No mapping found for RadioStation in NeoJSONWriter any help? thanks so much! ---- peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: http://bit.ly/29z9fG0 #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV http://www.Village-Buzz.com http://www.ThoseOptimizeGuys.com http://www.coffee-black.com http://www.painlessfrugality.com http://www.twitter.com/sergio_101 http://www.facebook.com/sergio101
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