Yes I should finish to convert everything.
I hope that in Pharo 70 we will be able add Xtream like library and remove
the old stream
but this is large task.
On Sat, 21 Jan 2017 21:06:34 +0100,
<> wrote:
There is also this
On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 3:08 PM, Peter Uhnak <> wrote:
On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 02:01:59PM +0100, Denis Kudriashov wrote:
2017-01-20 16:15 GMT+01:00 Peter Uhnak <>:
> In Ruby it is dead simple:
> str[/\[(.*)\]/,1].hex # "=> 37"
I always wondering when people think it is dead simple.
I use streams for such cases. It is logical, readable and dead simple
I've never mentioned readability, because the code is throwaway.
I guess if you are not using regexes it could look odd, but as a linux
user it is very casual; if I had to extract the information I would
just pipe it through sed or grep.
I wouldn't use such thing in code that I want to keep, but I explicitly
mentioned that.
approach without crappy syntax. And with Xtreams library it become much
more easy and fun
Are there any docs for Xtreams? I found several repositories, but none
explain what Xtreams even is.
In Ruby it is dead simple:
and dead unreadable
Pharo way is both dead simple and dead readable
Dtto as above. Readability was never a question. And if it was, then
you just doubled the regex complexity, and made the code more confusing
by turning the problem upside down, due to the >>limited API.
Complaining about the compact syntax makes as much sense as complaining
that `1+2` is too cryptic and should be written as `1 digitAdd: 2`
(which you can do btw); the point of >>compactness is that when you
know what you are doing you can save some time.
You can always write .match() instead of []; e.g. in python:
int(re.split('\[(.*)\]', str)[1], 16)
int('\[(.*)\]', str).group(1), 16)
But my point was not addressing this particular problem, but the
general problem --- I often find it much easier to preprocess data with
standard linux tools and then feed it to Pharo then to try >>to do the
same in Pharo itself.
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